Category: Codeigniter


    I am working on my corporate website, while I am on the job hunt. Currently I am using Netbeans, Codeigniter, and XAMPP to develop the site locally. However, I should have something before he weekend begins.

  • Portfolio Site Codeigniter + WordPress hybrid

    In the past I spoke about a non-WP to WP integration using sessions/cookies for a login system. Well this very site is a Codeigniter and WordPress hybrid. I am able to use all of the WordPress functions on my Views without having to make a function in the Controller. I added a few lines of…

  • Success!

    After about 3 days of researching and plugging away at a solution, I finally figured out how to use WordPress functions in my CI Framework root with WP being the subfolder of the root. I found plenty of ways where WordPress is the root and CI is the subfolder, but I was not going to…

  • Welcome!

    Thank you for dropping by and welcome to my corner of the web. Please make yourself comfortable. I am still doing some construction here and some things can change. Some links on my social media might not work right away as I have not placed them yet. Also, my Portfolio landing page is under construction.…