Tag: ecommerce

  • BigCommerce – Headless Commerce on WordPress

    I’m not really sure what to think about this product. I’ve used Big Commerce back in the day. Their templates were junk and not very customizable. Their business platform went through an overhaul a few years ago. Now instead of competing with WordPress as a solution, they are going to compete against WooCommerce? Sounds fishy…

  • Configure and Connect to Serverless MySQL Database

    As a Web Developer that creates e-commerce websites, I have seen AWS pop up more frequently on skill requirements for potential jobs. I am seriously thinking of blocking off some time and get familiar with how AWS works in selling products! #webdevelopment #ecommerce #aws https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/configure-connect-serverless-mysql-database-aurora/?&trk=psm_a131L000005ONssQAG&trkCampaign=PAC_AuroraServerless_Webpage_Sept_Tutorial&sc_channel=psm&sc_campaign=PAC_paas_Q3_09_2018_AuroraServerless_paidsocial_LI_Serverless_Tutorial&sc_outcome=PaaS_Digital_Marketing&sc_publisher=LinkedIn&sc_medium=PAC-PaaS-P|LI|Social-P|All|PA|Database|Aurora|NAMER|EN|Sponsored%20Content|Aurora_Serverless_Tutorial

  • BigCommerce and WP Engine Join Forces to Bring Scalable Commerce Experiences to WordPress Community

    The only thing I didn’t like about BiGCommerce was that their website templates weren’t very responsive, they had their own specialized CSS so customization of a template was nonexistent, and their customer support was not great. #ecommerce #webdevelopment #graphicdesign https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181212005096/en/BigCommerce-WP-Engine-Join-Forces-Bring-Scalable

  • The 15 Best WooCommerce WordPress Themes for 2019

    Check out what WooCommerce has in store for 2019: #sales #ecommerce #wordpress #woocommerce https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/woocommerce-themes